Thursday, June 29, 2006

First Things: June 29, 2006
Anthony Sacramone writes:

Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury, has
proposed creating a two-tiered Anglican Communion—one tier of “covenant” churches in communion with Canterbury and another tier of churches only in “association.” The former would be those in agreement on the role of the Bible and tradition in Anglican teaching and ministry. Those in looser association would include presumably the unrepentant and more heterodox Episcopal Church (USA).

“The reason Anglicanism is worth bothering with,” Williams said in a reflection dated June 27, “is because it has tried to find a way of being a church that is neither tightly centralized nor just a loose federation of essentially independent bodies—a church that is seeking to be a coherent family of communities meeting to hear the Bible read, to break bread and share wine as guests of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate a unity in worldwide mission and ministry.”
the rest


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